Monday, July 15, 2019

I tried to write this yesterday but somehow lost the post and unable to find it so will start over. So much has happened. I was writing about Uncle Bill having a heart attack and dying yesterday morning. My poor mother-in-law losing her last brother, just her and Aunt Eula remain, 97 and 99 years. Now today more horrible news, Doug lost his brother Verl. He's been in the hospital about three months, was going in for a biopsy on his bladder and suffered a stroke. Doug has been there over two weeks and was going to come home on Wednesday  when Verl suffered a relapse and passed this afternoon. My heart just aches for Peggy and for Arletta who yesterday had to tell her, her brother died and today has to tell her, her son has passed also. I don't know how you live through such sorrow and heart ache. The tears will continue for a long time.

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