Saturday, October 30, 2010

3950 miles in 63 hours

Drive is finally over and we are now at home2 for the winter. Got in around 8 p.m. on the 27Th, unloaded the car and started unpacking. Next morning left for coffee at Starbucks and ran into Todd at the stop sign, he was stopping by for a visit before he left town on business. Spent a large part of the day grocery shopping (so we don't have to Starbuck it again for awhile:( and the rest working around the house. Doug has a problem going on with his left knee and is in quite a lot of pain. Pharmacist recommended Aleve, keeping it iced and a pain patch at night and it seems to be getting a little better. He's not limping as much and says it feels better.

Yesterday Adam stopped by for a visit and said he is thinking about talking with the Navy recruiter again and asked his grandfather to maybe go with him.

Amber was by for dinner and got us all caught up on the wedding plans. Find it hard to believe that the little girl who used to sleep on her granddads chest is all grown up and getting married.

The plan for this winter is to remodel the flower beds and lay a walkway in front of the house. Temperatures have been in the 80's since arriving and we're loving every minute of it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Two days

Where to start, the last two days have been long and knuckle breaking. Rain, more rain, tornadoes, and more rain.

Yesterday left Jim and Claire's very early and went looking for Starbucks, couldn't find them so ended up with Caribou coffee. Not quite as good. Down the road we go, into the wind and rain and that was the way it was most of the day. Pulled into Effington, IL for the night and had a spaghetti dinner the early night. Up the next morning and on the road by 8 a.m..

All day we again fought the wind and rain, except this time we were watching the tornado warnings. Was going to stop in Nashville and take a tour but when you can't see your hand in front of your face..... All radio channels cancelled their programs and just did the weather. Doug was following along with the map and we were staying just behind the worst of it. Couldn't really believe it as at times, especially when the trucks blew by, we would just be blinded. Hoped to be further down the road tonight but stopped in Alexander City, Ala.

With luck will be home2 tomorrow.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Saturday left Canada and headed for Prior Lake, Mn and the week end with Jim, Claire and the boys. Was at customs by 8:15 and didn't leave until almost 8:30. Custom agent wanted to know if we were driving a rental, said no, he checked our trunk, took passports into building and gone a LONG time. Doug said to keep watching the garage in front of us and if the door opened we were going in for the big check, luckily he came back and returned our passports and away we went. Stopped in Minot, N.D. for Starbucks and gas then headed out. Thank goodness Peggy packed us a lunch so we didn't have to stop for lunch as Mn is 600 miles down the road. Ran into bad weather late in the afternoon, it rained so hard we could only see the front end of the car. Arrived around 6:30, had dinner and then a nice walk around the neighborhood. Watched the movie Hangover and then time for bed.

Sunday has been a very relaxing day. Slept until 9 a.m. ,which is late for us, then up for coffee at Starbucks. Back home we had Belgium waffles then left and drove to a park for a three mile walk. Since it has been a wintery day Claire made Chili and Jim made Sliders and we have been relaxing, watching football and just taking it easy. Tomorrow we will head out early and finish our drive to Sarasota, hoping to arrive on the 28Th.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Still in Canada

Today (Friday) is the first really nice day we've had since arriving in Canada. Hard to believe but a warm 43 F, sun shining and no wind. Tuesday we visited with Aunt Joyce and Cousin Joyce in the afternoon and that evening out to Cousin Joyce and Terry's. We've always had a hard time finding their farm as no street is marked out in the country and traveling at night made it even worse. Got lost, of course, and after an hour told Doug we had 10 minutes to find their farm or I would be turning back towards town. Finally found them and they wanted to know if we had been lost and I told them to "quit Moving" their home. Had a fun visit and I smarted up on the way back to town and wrote down the mileage on every street with the right and left turns, will find out next spring if it works.

Wednesday we had coffee with the Aunts Joyce and Doreen. Was such a good visit we've scheduled another for today, wine will be the drink of choice at this meeting. That evening had a get together at cousin Glenn and Pauline's home with cousins Alan, Diane, Barb and Dick. We've really enjoyed getting to know the cousins better the last few years. Glenn and Pauline won't be able to come to Florida this winter for a visit as they are expecting their next grandchild in January. Alan and Diane will be down so hope to get together with them occasionally as they explore the state.

Yesterday drove to Regina so Peggy could have her check up with the cardiologist. She had a good report and doesn't have to return again for a year. It was a long day of driving, three hours each way. We stopped in Estevan for shopping and dinner then home for coffee and cake with Gary and Merle. Bed at 11:30 and slept until 9 this morning, must have been tired :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Another long day of driving, up at six on the road by 7:30 and arrived here before six. 600 plus miles with several construction areas to slow us down. We were to go with Peggy and Cecil to a Falls Dinner last night but got in too late. Peggy had dinner waiting for us ham, scalloped potatoes, and butternut squash.

Writing from the school library so no pictures until we get back down into the states.

Weather here in Carnduff is windy and cold brrrrrr. The sky is clear and it is beautiful a lovely fall day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Poor Maggie, at least her leg is starting to feel better.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well here it starts

First day and it was a long one 670 miles in nine hours. Went to Renton yesterday for Maya's birthday and what a party it was, nine little girls and I had forgotten how noisey we "ladies" can be. What fun everyone had, carving pumpkins,eating, singing songs, eating, presents, eating... Lots of good food as you can tell.

Left this morning from Renton and arrived in Bozeman, Mt around 7 p.m.

The travel is beautiful this time of year, the trees are turning. We live in a beautiful part of the world and I feel very blessed to be able to enjoy all of it.

Pictures will follow as soon as Doug gets them loaded.