Sunday, March 14, 2010

Parintins, Brazil Feb 15

Parintins lies on the right bank of the Amazon on the island called Tupinambaranaa. This is the largest group of fluvial islands in the world. Parintins was founded in 1793 and has few landmarks or monuments, the people are what make it so special. In June they celebrate the Festival Folclorico which is second only to the Carnival in Rio de Janiero in numbers of attendees. The festival is called Boi-Bumba and tells the story of a scared ox which is killed because a farm workers pregnant wife has a craving for ox tongue. The townpeople are so upset that St John the Baptist brings the ox back to life. The Festival is a competition between two teams, the red and the blue, to see who can tell the story in the most spectacular way. Cocoa Cola sponsors the Festival and this is the only place in the world where you will see the sign in Blue

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