What a fun time.....Todd and Shannon had a great party this past Saturday. Great food, fun game (Doug and I tied with Harry for a three way win), surprised even us with what we know about Christmas. Of course we couldn't have gotten all the reindeer names without Amber, plus a few other questions. The white elephant exchange was a blast with me taking the best gift from Todd and then Shannon's Uncle taking it from me...darn. I still ended up with a beautiful three wick candle and Todd with a Rubik's Cube (snicker snicker, sorry Todd) Doug got a nice bottle of wine. Adam got glasses and a bottle of Bailey's Mint that I'm sure he will keep until his 21st birthday or regift it. And yes I still believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. The food was wonderful and everyone ate to their fill. Doug and I were worried when we went to Weight Watchers this morning but were able to show a small loss.
Packed and ready to leave for Washington on Wednesday. Doug's cousin Allen and wife Diane are here and will drive us to Tampa to catch our flight. Todd was going to drive us but is having a minor (we hope) procedure on his back that morning and we don't want him driving that far to mess anything up. We hope this will help and he won't have to have an operation, would like to see him be able to walk without pain.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Home2 Remodel
It's been awhile since my last post and no excuse except we have been busy. First was the cleaning and getting home2 ready for some easy living, which we are still waiting to do. After all the dust was removed we decided that tiling the front room/kitchen, hall, guest bath and utility room would be our next project. Spent a few weeks looking at tile colors, sizes and talking with the "experts" at Home Depot and Lowe's before deciding on a medium sand color and mosaic center piece for the front entry way. The guest bath and utility will be our learning experience since the only floors we've ever tiled were two bathrooms in San Diego and Bryan's bathroom in Renton. Have taken out the washer/dryer and guest toilet and put down the backer board, we laid down a pattern in the bath and Doug has been tweaking it for a couple days. Today is the day we will lay the mud and set the tiles, we're excited to get our first room finished.
We understand that Doug has a cousin in the area and a couple more on their way, we are excited to have some company. Lots to do see and do here and around Sarasota so hope to have a lot of company plus it will give us a reason to put our tiling tools away and take a break so remember we have an exta bedroom and the door is never locked.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Home2 again, Home2 again
Well here we are, and yes we did arrive on schedule. After leaving Locust Grove, GA we drove 476 miles in 7 hours and pulled into our driveway at 4 p.m. We drove 3788.5 miles with a total driving time of 64 1/2 hours. Since we were only in WA 3 1/2 months I told Doug it almost feels as if we never left. Doug stacked everything from the car in the middle of the front room so he could take these pictures. Everything is now unpacked, put away and we are starting to settle into home2.
Had dinner at Todd and Shannon's last night, and it was a very tasty low-fat spaghetti with salad. Told him the competition was back on and we would have them to dinner next Saturday. Now I have to come up with a delicious low-fat meal........any ideas????
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Another Long Day
Today was a 8 1/2 hour 550 mile drive. Weather has warmed quite a bit, Doug put on long pants in Minot and took them off today, 10/22, he does not plan on putting them back on for a very long time. Still has a little color on his legs so not to bad.
Stopped in Berea, KY today to see the Boone Tavern Hotel which is on the Berea College campus. Berea College is for students who can not afford to go to college, they pay no tuition but have to work on the campus to pay their way. The college is over 100 years old and the buildings are beautiful, big brick structures. This is the second college that has no tuition we have visited, the first was in The Ozarks outside of Branson. What an opportunity for family's who can not afford to send their children for an education and to break the cycle of poverty
If all goes according to plan we will be in Sarasota tomorrow evening.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
October colors
We are now back on "schedule".
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Family Pictures from Canada
Day 4, Tuesday
419 miles today, not making much in mileage but we did get to Norway today!! Norway, MI that is. Lots of little towns that slow us down to 25 miles an hour, and two lane road that doesn't want you to go over 55, think NOT. Of course have to keep it down some as each of these little towns does have it very own cop sitting in his patrol car with the radar gun trained on traffic. We're almost 100 miles behind schedule but keep remembering we are retired and really not on any schedule.
Spending the night in Manistique, MI, a cute little resort town right on Lake Michigan.
Monday, October 19, 2009
3rd Day on Road
Had a great visit in Carnduff, Sask., Canada, arrived on Wednesday as the roads were so bad we had to spend an extra night on the road. We got to visit with all Doug's Aunts, Uncle and cousins. Had a nice surprise as a cousin he hasn't seen since he was in high school was home on his way to winter in Arizona. Doug's Mom put on a great dinner and they were able to have a good visit. Some of his cousins will be visiting us in Florida this winter and we are really looking forward to it.
Only 492 miles today starting at 8:30 a.m. and driving until 6:15 p.m.
No snow, thank heavans, clear skies all the way.
Had to stop in Minot, N.D., put two new tires on the car. One was all the way down to the core in four spots and the other not much better.
Not much excitment today, spending the night in Grand Rapids, MN the birthplace of Judy Garland.
Only 492 miles today starting at 8:30 a.m. and driving until 6:15 p.m.
No snow, thank heavans, clear skies all the way.
Had to stop in Minot, N.D., put two new tires on the car. One was all the way down to the core in four spots and the other not much better.
Not much excitment today, spending the night in Grand Rapids, MN the birthplace of Judy Garland.
Leaving Canada
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Day 2 and Not In Canada yet
What a day we have had. Got up and on the road in good time this a.m. and then things slowed way down. It was snowing when we left Helena and the road was covered with compacted snow. Highway 12 can best be described as a narrow two lane country road that twists and turns so you can never go the posted speed limit. Doug and I decided it was best not to push things and would spend the night in Williston, N.D., but not one room was to be had! The oil business is booming, and the workers have reserved all the rooms. We had to drive on into Minot and arrived at 9:55 p.m. just in time to watch the restaurants turn off their lights and lock the doors. 650 miles in 11 hours, time for bed. Tomorrow can only be better.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Here we go again
What a tiring day, 500 miles and 9 hours,but it really started last Friday. Took off Friday afternoon after signing rental papers with Windermere and went to Wenatchee to see the siblings. We all got together at John's for a BBQ and had a really good visit. Got up early Saturday and drove to Shelton for a fast visit with Jackie, Fred and Uncle Jack. That afternoon a we drove to Renton and stayed with Bryan and family. Next day was really fun, they had Maya's 8Th birthday party early so we could attend. Bryan and Michelle had a re-marriage so Maya could be a flower girl and how beautiful she is. They rewrote their wedding vows and the guests were in stitches as they were so funny. Later Doug will download some pictures that I will add to the Blog.
Arriving home Sunday afternoon we finished our packing and cleaning, and didn't get to bed until after midnight. Up early this a.m. washed the bedding and finally out of town around 9:30. Drove Highway 12 most of the day through Walla Walla, Clarkston, Lewiston on to Helena, MT. For most of the day it was two lane, twisting, turning road that was under construction. We thought we would see some changing beautiful colors but NO.... maybe too cold.
Having a glass of wine and then off to bed.
Arriving home Sunday afternoon we finished our packing and cleaning, and didn't get to bed until after midnight. Up early this a.m. washed the bedding and finally out of town around 9:30. Drove Highway 12 most of the day through Walla Walla, Clarkston, Lewiston on to Helena, MT. For most of the day it was two lane, twisting, turning road that was under construction. We thought we would see some changing beautiful colors but NO.... maybe too cold.
Having a glass of wine and then off to bed.
Monday, June 29, 2009
91 miles, 1 1/2 hours and we're HOME
It has been a long trip..4260.4 miles driven in 73 hours and 36 minutes...that is driveway to driveway. Have enjoyed every minute of the trip and now is the time to get home1 into order and relax a little. Doug is outside visiting with neighbors so think I'll go join them.
Good bye until once again we go traveling back to home2
Good bye until once again we go traveling back to home2
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Almost home...just 70 plus miles to go.
510 miles today. Spent last night in Idaho Falls and what a beautiful town. Unfortunately we arrived so late that we couldn't walk the riverwalk but this morning walked over to have a look at the falls. Drove through Twin Falls but didn't stop as we wanted to get as close to home1 as possible.
Tonight we are in Pendleton, Or at the Wildhorse Resort and Casino and will soon go down and donate $20 each, we feel that the government was so crooked with their Indian ancestors that we have to somehow make up for it.
Our tenant move out today, rug cleaners will be in this afternoon and we will take over our home tomorrow. Doug has talked with our friend Barry and he and his wife Rocky may be over tomorrow for drinks and a good visit. Looking forward to seeing them and all our Northwest friends and relatives.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Long Day

Up at 6:30 a.m. and on the road by 8:30. Arrived at Cody, Wyo and spent several hours at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. There are five museums under one roof and we went into some thinking we would spend just a little time but end up spending at least an hour. On the road again by 4 p.m. and drive to Yellowstone Park. When we arrive Old Faithful is not scheduled to go off for an hour so we walk to the BeeHive Geyser and soon it goes spouts. A Ranger tells us that this geyser goes higher and lasts longer than Old Faithful, plus we get to see a rainbow that keeps growing as long as the geyser is spouting.
This has been a long day with short mileage, only 410 miles. Got good news today, we can be in home1 on Monday so will cancel out trip to Salt Lake City and head straight there.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Down Memory Lane

Today was a trip down memory lane and let me tell you it is sooooo changed. Started yesterday with Deadwood and continued with Mt. Rushmore today. If not for Presidents I wouldn't have recognized the area. It is improved and includes more history. Leaving Mt Rushmore we drove past the Flintstones Village where our boys played so many years ago and went down to the Crazy Horse Memorial. Don't know how we missed it all those years ago, they have been working on it since 1937. I don't think it will be finished in my lifetime, they've been working over 70 years and have his face finished plus the upper part of his arm, when finished he will be sitting on his horse. We started early and by 3 p.m. had only put 100 miles on the car, spending the night in Sheridan, Wyo only 300 miles total, hope to do better tomorrow.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Out of Canada

Here we are on the road again. Spent eleven days in Canada, had only planned on a week but things change. Really enjoyed our stay as we were busy, pressure washed Doug's Mom's garage, scraped the floor and painted it, took almost a week. Visited with all his relatives that live there plus a cousin who was visiting from Australia.
Left this morning and drove 430 miles to Deadwood, S.D.. Was here in the late 70's and has it changed. Back then the buildings were almost museums, now almost all are casinos, several are hotels and motels. Not sure what is happening in Sturgis, since they only have three motels this town is packed with the motorcycle riders. We were lucky to find a room and it is out of town but not too far as we were able to walk to town and back.
Doug was finally able to download some pictures so I'll add some of the places we've been so far.
It looks as if we will be able to get into our home a little sooner than planned so have changed the itinerary and hope to be there this Monday the 29th
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day Four
Short day today. Got on the road by 9:30 and drove 230 miles.
Had to start the day by going to a pharmacy and picking up some medicine, I got laryngitis on the cruise and while that is almost gone I now have a sore throat and bad cough.
Christian has a good turn out for his graduation, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a college friend of his mothers here. Everyone has gone to the ceremony. There will be parties all week end and we all will leave on Monday.
Monday we will be in Canada and since that is roaming for my computer will not blog again until we're back in the states the following Monday so see you then.
Had to start the day by going to a pharmacy and picking up some medicine, I got laryngitis on the cruise and while that is almost gone I now have a sore throat and bad cough.
Christian has a good turn out for his graduation, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and a college friend of his mothers here. Everyone has gone to the ceremony. There will be parties all week end and we all will leave on Monday.
Monday we will be in Canada and since that is roaming for my computer will not blog again until we're back in the states the following Monday so see you then.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day Three
Hard to believe that it has only been three days seems we've come so far and seen so much.
Up and on the road by 8:30 a.m. and drove 480 miles.
Sorry to say but the section of Illinois we drove through was so flat and boring, we were anxious to get to Wisconsin. Wisconsin is also flat but we kept seeing signs for Wisconsin Dells so decided to stop and what a surprise! Reminds us of Leavensworth and DisneyWorld put together. Bills itself as the worlds biggest theme park and is full of quaint little shops, restrurants, and Mom and Pop Hotels. We spent an enjoyable afternoon walking around and had dinner in a nice restrurant overlooking the river.
Tomorrow we will drive into MN and arrive at Brother Jim's in time to congraduate Christian on his graduation that evening.
Up and on the road by 8:30 a.m. and drove 480 miles.
Sorry to say but the section of Illinois we drove through was so flat and boring, we were anxious to get to Wisconsin. Wisconsin is also flat but we kept seeing signs for Wisconsin Dells so decided to stop and what a surprise! Reminds us of Leavensworth and DisneyWorld put together. Bills itself as the worlds biggest theme park and is full of quaint little shops, restrurants, and Mom and Pop Hotels. We spent an enjoyable afternoon walking around and had dinner in a nice restrurant overlooking the river.
Tomorrow we will drive into MN and arrive at Brother Jim's in time to congraduate Christian on his graduation that evening.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day Two
Today was not as long as yesterday. On the road by 8:30a.m. only 430 miles. We stopped in Chattanooga, Tn and spent three hours touring the Chickamauga Battlefield. This was the battle that opened the way for Sherman's March to The Sea.
Decided not to Stop in Nashville as we want to be in Mn in time for Christan's graduation. Today we crossed Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and spending the night in Marion, IL.
Doug has taken pictures that I will include later.
Decided not to Stop in Nashville as we want to be in Mn in time for Christan's graduation. Today we crossed Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and spending the night in Marion, IL.
Doug has taken pictures that I will include later.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day One
Here we go again...
Up before 7a.m., finished the packing, closed home2, Starbucks for coffee and on the road by 8:30a.m.. 5p.m. and 560 miles later here we sit in a hotel in Cartersville, Ga (just North of Atlanta), took a half hour walk, a dip in the pool, and just finished the food we brought from our refrigerator.
Beautiful countryside, lots of greens. Atlanta was the only large city we went through and the traffic was terrific, at one time I was traveling with the traffic going 75 in a 55, looked over and three motercycle cops were passing me.
Tomorrow Nashville where we will spend a couple days looking around and relaxing.
Up before 7a.m., finished the packing, closed home2, Starbucks for coffee and on the road by 8:30a.m.. 5p.m. and 560 miles later here we sit in a hotel in Cartersville, Ga (just North of Atlanta), took a half hour walk, a dip in the pool, and just finished the food we brought from our refrigerator.
Beautiful countryside, lots of greens. Atlanta was the only large city we went through and the traffic was terrific, at one time I was traveling with the traffic going 75 in a 55, looked over and three motercycle cops were passing me.
Tomorrow Nashville where we will spend a couple days looking around and relaxing.
Monday, May 25, 2009
The son and wife did it again........Supper last night was great, Todd BBQ'ed four different flavoring of ribs, two dry and two wet. All four flavorings were soooo good. Shannon made her mouth watering cold slaw and homemade macaroni and cheese mmmmmm. Once again ate too much. The evening ended with a noisy game of Bull S--t.
Almost time for Aaron's graduation, our cruise and then the traveling verity's will be at it again. First stop will be Jim and Claire's in Minnesota, Mom and Cecil's in Canada then back to home1, we're getting anxious to see our lawn and home.
Almost time for Aaron's graduation, our cruise and then the traveling verity's will be at it again. First stop will be Jim and Claire's in Minnesota, Mom and Cecil's in Canada then back to home1, we're getting anxious to see our lawn and home.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Rainy Season is here
Middle of May and the rainy season has started. Last three days mornings are hot and in the afternoon the rains come so hard you can barely see across the street, it cools down but then becomes humid.
Have started the good byes with new friends we've made here. Some have already left for up North, others planning on the move in the next few days and Doug and I will be heading out in less than a month.
Aaron will graduate on the 29th and we take him on a cruise the 30th. We're looking forward to our time alone with him before he starts on his "grown-up" life, into the "real" world. Like his siblings I know he will do well.
Have started the good byes with new friends we've made here. Some have already left for up North, others planning on the move in the next few days and Doug and I will be heading out in less than a month.
Aaron will graduate on the 29th and we take him on a cruise the 30th. We're looking forward to our time alone with him before he starts on his "grown-up" life, into the "real" world. Like his siblings I know he will do well.
Thursday, May 7, 2009

It has taken a while but we finally have our doors painted and the new screen doors on. Thank goodness the weather has cooperated as we had at least one door off for three/four days at a time while they were being painted. Turned out pretty good although even with putting on a primer coat it took three coats to get them the way we wanted.
Had a very nice Saturday with Todd and Shannon. They took us to Clearwater and then to Tarpon Springs. Visited with Shannon's Grammy and then had a seafood lunch, she-crab soup (of course being the seafood lover, NOT, I had a sandwich). Tarpon Springs is a very fun place to visit, it's a Greek Sponge Diving village. We had supper there and the food was great, every one tried a different Greek dish.
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